Film Screening 11th April, 2000

Poster for Idle Hands

Idle Hands 

8:00 PM, 11th April, 2000

  • MA
  • 92 mins
  • 1999
  • Rodman Flender
  • Terri Hughes and Ron Milbauer
  • Devon Sawa, Seth Green, Elden Ratliff, Jessica Alba

Most reviews of Idle Hands contain some comparison to Evil Dead. So, in order to look like I know what I'm talking about (or not), I will now do so as well. Idle Hands is very different to Evil Dead, but about as good for different reasons. Just because someone's hand is possessed in both movies, they are similar? Evil Dead is a low-budget horror movie. Idle Hands is more of a Hollywood teen comedy, what do you expect when an actor from Buffy (Seth Green) is involved?
Idle Hands is about a young guy called Anton (Devon Sawa). Anton spends all his time smoking pot, watching TV and just basically bumming around with his mates. That is until his hand is possessed by the devil and starts killing people.
More of a comedy than a horror movie, I found this movie extremely amusing. Especially the antics of Seth Green and Elden Ratliff as Anton's stoner mates. There is a lot of gory spectacles, but as long as you don't take the movie too seriously (in which case leave the cinema, you won't enjoy it), the gore should just add to the comedy (as with most horror films). Boy, maybe I'm too desensitised...

Brad Hoff