Film Screening 13th November, 2009

Poster for Push


8:00 PM, 13th November, 2009

  • M
  • 111 mins
  • Unknown
  • Paul McGuigan
  • David Bourla
  • Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, Camilla Belle, Djimon Hounsou

Okay; in 1945, Hitler conducted experiments on people who were born with special abilities in an attempt to create a super-human army. Obviously the end of the war brought an end to this, but other countries did the same and created their own 'Divisions', which consisted of: Watchers ((ndash)) predict the future; Movers ((ndash)) move objects with telekinesis; Pushers ((ndash)) make others believe whatever they want them to; Bleeders ((ndash)) emit high-pitched sonic screams that make ears bleed; Stitches ((ndash)) manipulate any scar tissue; Sniffs ((ndash)) sniff objects and get a history of it; Wipers ((ndash)) erase memories; Shifters ((ndash)) make objects appear to be something else; and Shadows ((ndash)) block other clairvoyants' abilities. Got that?

The story starts with a young boy with an ability escaping a 'Division', with mysterious instructions that one day a girl will come to him with a flower and that he needs to follow her in order to one day bring down the oppressive 'Division'. Wackiness therefore ensues.

Ever since X-Men burst into cinemas in 2000, there have been a stable comic-book genre of the idea of everyday people endowed with abilities, and their struggles with the problems such abilities are weighted with. Unlike DC characters, who quite readily take up the mantle of the hero with their delegated powers, Marvel comics excelled at showing the pains that such responsibility brings, and sometimes deals with the fact that just because someone has a special ability, it doesn't mean they will make the choice to become a hero.

Like the television series "Heroes", Push is at its best when the various characters are showing off their abilities in a free-for-all fight. With special effects galore, action, and Chris Evans given another stab as an action hero (I liked Fantastic Four 1 and 2, I don't care what you say), this is definitely one to see!

Luke McWilliams

Poster for $9.99


10:06 PM, 13th November, 2009

  • M
  • 78 mins
  • Unknown
  • Tatia Rosenthal
  • Etgar Keret, Tatia Rosenthal
  • el Edgerton, Claudia Karvan, Geoffrey Rush, Anthony LaPaglia, Samuel Johnson

So apparently one can buy a booklet which holds the meaning of life for a mere $9.99. Cheaper than HECS surely!

Dave Peck ("Secret Life of Us" Samuel Johnson) is an unemployed man who buys said book and goes on a philosophical journey to find the meaning of life and to attempt to share it with a swag of interesting characters living in an apartment block, who are also in their own desperate situations: loneliness, unrequited love and arrested development. However, is the meaning of life so easy to apply generically, or is it something that is relative to us all that we should pursue ourselves?

Stop-motion animation still has its fans (Just look at Wallace and Gromit!). The special effects industry launched the stop-motion animation as a pre-requisite to any block-buster film, from Jason and the Argonauts to the original Star Wars trilogy. These days however, rotoscoping live motion with the use of highly rendered 3D models have taken over, saving on time and therefore money. However, the 'kinks' in old-school stop-motion are what makes it such a joy to watch; giving these 'real' malleable creations souls with the cream of Australian talent lending them a voice.

Luke McWilliams