6:00 PM, 7th March, 2016
Put those concert tickets onto eBay. Give your apologies for your cousin’s wedding. Postpone that surprise overseas trip that your partner has planned. These may seem important now, but that’s only because you aren’t aware yet that March 7th is the ANU Film Group’s Annual General Meeting for 2016!
The AGM is a chance to find out all about the inner workings of the Group that you love so much. You can ask questions. You can make suggestions. You can even run for a spot on the committee and earn your place in history as one of the committee members behind the largest film society in the country in its golden anniversary year.
Guaranteed to be the most entertaining AGM ever held at the Coombs Theatre on a Monday evening in the first week of March for a group celebrating its 50th anniversary – or your money back. We look forward to seeing you there!