Based on the extraordinary true story, HAUTE CUISINE is a French culinary drama-comedy that follows a chef who is unexpectedly appointed by the President of France as his personal cook, and who must then navigate the corridors of power and jealous resentment from other kitchen staff.
For more details about the film, including a look at its trailer, click HERE.
Thanks to Transmission Films, we have tickets to give away to the film, which is in cinemas from April 25. To be in the running to win one of ten double passes, send an email to with 'HAUTE CUISINE' in the subject line along with your name, membership number (located underneath the barcode on your card) and the answer to the following question: ‘In what country does HAUTE CUISINE take place?’
Winners will be drawn on Thursday April 18 at 5 PM, and contacted via email. Tickets to be collected from the Duty Manager at ANUFG screenings following the close of the competition.