Reminder: Screening Break Begins June 2

2nd May, 2024

How time flies! It's hard to believe that our Autumn 2024 season will be coming to a close in just one month – as will the Kambri Cultural Centre when the ANU comences its planned hail remediation project in June.

We have been so humbled and buoyed by the many messages of support and thanks received from our members since announcing the screening break earlier this year. While there is no doubt that we will return, we understand that many of you also have questions that we'll aim to address below.

Thank you again for your support, and we hope you make the most of these last few weeks of screenings!

Why are you taking a screening break?

The ANU Film Group will regretfully be taking a break from screenings as the ANU will be undertaking major building work on the Kambri Cultural Centre, where our cinema is located. The work is part of a campus wide hail remediation project to repair damage sustained in the January 2020 hailstorm. As the repairs will primarily involve the roof and walls, the entire building and all venues within it will be closed for the duration.

How long will the screening break last?

Repairs to the Kambri Cultural Centre are expected to take place from June 2024 until early February 2025, a period of approximately eight and a half months. As with any major building work, there is always the possibility of delays for a number of reasons, including weather, but we remain optimistic that we will be able to resume screenings in time for O-Week next year.

To receive the latest updates on when screenings will resume, please subscribe to our mailing list at the top of our homepage or follow our Facebook page at

What will happen to my membership during the screening break?

All memberships that are valid when the break begins on June 2, 2024 will be automatically extended by a period equivalent to the screening break to ensure that no one is left out of pocket. If screenings can resume as planned from the start of O-Week on February 10, 2025, then this will be for a period of 36 weeks (inclusive). There is nothing that you need to do to have your membership extended, and there is no cost to you. If you wish to find out when your membership currently expires, please ask us at the next screening you attend or email us at with your membership number.

If for any reason you are unable to make use of your membership extension, we are also able to offer pro rata refunds on any membership fees already paid. To obtain a refund, please send us an email to with your details and membership number for further information.

Why can’t you screen films at a different venue during the screening break?

As much as we’d like to continue screening films during the break, there are unfortunately no other venues on campus that have the professional cinema-grade projection and sound equipment required to run our screenings. This includes our former home at the Coombs Theatre, which was remodelled after we moved to Kambri in 2019 and is no longer suitable for film screenings.

We have even explored the possibility of holding screenings at other venues outside of the ANU, but the cost of hiring a commercial cinema with a similar seating capacity or technical capability was simply too expensive.

What can we do to remain involved during the break?

We plan on staying in touch with our members via our Facebook page and through regular mailing list messages, but are open to any suggestions you might have on how we can keep you entertained and engaged during the screening break. If you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing us at